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We have decieded to build this site as a lasting memory to our twins, with whom we only knew for 7 weeks 6 days. we will never forget them, they will always be in our hearts.
Our Angels
We hope that through building this site, it will be a living memory to our most beautiful twins.
We will never forget you, dear sweet angels.

My Corkboard

We hope that you take the time to read this site as it is a small insight into what the babies meant to us in the short time that they were in our lives.

God grant me the Serentilty to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can.
And Wisdom to know the difference.
And sadly what happened is something that we can't change, and in time we will have to learn to cope with that.

Our Guest Book
We are hoping to add a guest book, and we hope that you will fill it in, in memory of our darling babies.

What we expect you to gain from this site.
This site is not to learn about us, but for everyone who knows us to maybe learn to love our babies as much as we do, even though you never met them, they will always be part of the family.

May you rest in peace